In June 2022, in Thailand Cannabis Laws and Regulations changed dramatically. Thailand became the third country in the world to legalize cannabis. In addition to Canada and Uruguay, it was the first in Asia to do so. This is a big step for Thailand; previously, its tough stance on pot made it seem like a hard place to get high.
In a monumental decision, cannabis was removed from the category of five narcotics, and 3,000 prisoners who had been convicted of marijuana-related crimes were released on the 9th of June. The announcement opened up growing and consuming weed for medical purposes.
The new amendment allows persons aged 20 years and above to “possess, utilise, look after, and maintain” cannabis. In other words: You are allowed to smoke weed in Thailand.
However, there are still a few concerns around cannabis liberalization in the country – which are being addressed in the upcoming Cannabis-Hemp Bill, sometimes at the end of 2022. The legalization was not “supposed” to encourage people to stay home high all day long. The intention was to help sick people, but we have seen that story play out before in both Canada and America.
As lawmakers debate the regulations, it’s a highly dynamic and evolving situation. That’s why we’ll be updating this article as the situation develops.
Thailand Cannabis Laws: Smoking & Possession
Legally, nothing states that you cannot smoke cannabis flowers. You can buy weed from the store and smoke it in your own privacy at home. Just don’t bring it to another country where it is illegal; be warned, as a Brazilian student experienced who bought legal weed in Thailand and brought it to Bali, he was arrested upon his arrival in Bali for attacking the country’s drug law.
If you’re considering bringing significant amounts of cannabis over the border, we recommend against it. If you still want to, we strongly urge you to find a healthcare practitioner in Thailand and get your medical marijuana prescription from them. Under Thai law, it’s illegal to take cannabis across the border.
You cannot smoke pot on the beach or in public areas. Doing so constitutes a public nuisance and has penalties: up to three months in jail and a fine of $700 (approximately 25,000 THB). In other words, be mindful of the people around you- not everyone will enjoy smelling weed everywhere they go.
At some cafes, you may have the option to smoke your newly purchased marijuana in a designated room away from the public.
Cannabis Edibles & Drinks
When it comes to food and beverage products, ingredients containing cannabis fall under the category of cannabis extracts. This means they can’t include more than two percent tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the psychoactive compound that gives marijuana its high. Thailand Cannabis Law make it possible to produce and consume edibles with low THC.
Moving forward, all vendors selling cannabis-infused drinks and edibles will be following food norms. This includes attaching a label stating that the product contains marijuana and attending a tutoring course. So in the coming months, cannabis products may have different labels (similar to what’s used in Western countries).
When walking around destinations frequented by tourists, you’ll find plenty of restaurants and shops selling cannabis-infused dishes and beverages. These are often over 0.2% THC, although it is technically illegal and we advise caution.
Growing & Selling Cannabis
It is legal to trade marijuana or hemp in Thailand. People can grow weed at home, but you need to register your plants at a website which only accepts Thai social security numbers.
As the app was released, more than 30 million logins were registered. The system crashed as a result and it went offline for a little while.
When you’re selling cannabis, there’s a lot of paperwork involved. Records like commercial business licenses, identification cards, details about where you’re sourcing the cannabis, information about your physical store location, etc. will all need to be given.
If you are selling cannabis food products, drinks, or cosmetics in Thailand, you must register and obtain the necessary permissions from the Thai FDA. You also have to ensure the THC content is less than 0.2% by weight.
Orbotics will implement the Cannabis-Hemp Act once it becomes official. Several licenses may be required in order to grow, produce extracts, create and sell the plants and products, import and export cannabis.
Medical Marijuana in Thailand
Cannabis has been legal in Thailand for thousands of years and is deeply entwined in their culture. That’s why it became legal for medical use in 2018 with no restrictions on its use. The herb can be used to treat a variety of health conditions without the need for prescription. Thailand Cannabis Laws made a big change.
One of the principal reasons for the legalization of cannabis was so that we could explore its medicinal and therapeutic properties. If you want to visit Thailand to trial an alternative or natural remedy in marijuana for your health condition, you can do it without worries.
In order to get a prescription for cannabis, you typically have to visit state-approved health facilities. Your existing prescriptions from your doctor elsewhere won’t work if