To many people cannabis seeds are simply cannabis seeds. But breeders and connoisseur growers also use different terms for cannabis seeds, such as F1, F2, S1 etc. In this review, we will explain what is meant by these terms and precisely what they tell you about the cannabis seeds which they describe.

F1, F2, and S1 are terms used to describe the generations of seeds produced from a cross-pollination of two parent plants in cannabis cultivation.

  • F1 refers to the first filial generation of seeds produced from a cross between two distinct parent plants. These seeds are considered hybrid, meaning they contain a mix of the genetics from both parent plants.
  • F2 refers to the second filial generation of seeds produced from the cross-pollination of F1 plants. The genetics in F2 seeds are more diverse and less predictable than F1 seeds.
  • S1 refers to a specific type of seed produced by self-pollination of a single parent plant. S1 seeds are considered a type of clone and will have near-identical genetics to the parent plant.

The basics of cannabis genetics for breeders

Cannabis genetics play a crucial role in determining the traits and characteristics of a given plant. Understanding the basics of cannabis genetics is important for breeders who aim to produce stable, high-quality plants with desirable traits.

In cannabis, each parent plant contributes half of its genetic material to the offspring. These genes determine traits such as the plant’s growth pattern, flower structure, aroma, taste, and potency. By carefully selecting parent plants with desirable traits and breeding them together, breeders can produce plants with a specific combination of desirable traits.

However, due to the genetic diversity in cannabis, offspring from even the same parent plants can show a range of variation. To ensure stable, consistent genetics, breeders often use techniques such as inbreeding, line breeding, and backcrossing.

In conclusion, understanding the basics of cannabis genetics is crucial for breeders to produce high-quality plants with desirable traits. It involves selecting parent plants with desirable traits and using breeding techniques to produce offspring with consistent, stable genetics.

What are F1 hybrid cannabis seeds?

F1 hybrid cannabis seeds are the first filial generation of seeds produced from the cross-pollination of two distinct parent plants. F1 hybrids are considered hybrid seeds because they contain a mix of the genetics from both parent plants.

F1 hybrid seeds are often created to take advantage of the desirable traits from both parent plants. For example, one parent plant might have high potency and another might have a desirable aroma. By cross-pollinating these plants, the offspring will contain a mix of both traits.

F1 hybrid seeds can be used to grow plants with a range of characteristics and can be used for both recreational and medicinal purposes. However, due to the genetic diversity in the offspring, it is important to note that F1 hybrid plants can exhibit variation in traits such as growth pattern, flower structure, aroma, taste, and potency.

In conclusion, F1 hybrid cannabis seeds are the first generation of seeds produced from the cross-pollination of two distinct parent plants and contain a mix of the genetics from both parents. They can be used to grow plants with a range of characteristics and are often used by breeders to produce high-quality plants with desirable traits.

cannabis seeds

The difference between F1 and F2 cannabis seeds

F1 and F2 are terms used to describe different generations of seeds produced from a cross-pollination of two parent plants in cannabis cultivation. The main difference between F1 and F2 seeds lies in the level of genetic diversity and predictability of the offspring.

  • F1 seeds are the first filial generation of seeds produced from a cross between two distinct parent plants. These seeds are considered hybrid, meaning they contain a mix of the genetics from both parent plants. The offspring from F1 seeds is more predictable and consistent in terms of traits compared to F2 seeds.
  • F2 seeds are the second filial generation of seeds produced from the cross-pollination of F1 plants. The genetics in F2 seeds are more diverse and less predictable than F1 seeds. This is because the F1 plants used to produce F2 seeds will have a range of genetic variations due to the mixing of genes from both parent plants. The offspring from F2 seeds will have a wider range of genetic variation, including both desirable and undesirable traits.

In conclusion, the main difference between F1 and F2 cannabis seeds is the level of genetic diversity and predictability of the offspring. F1 seeds produce offspring that is more predictable and consistent in terms of traits, while F2 seeds produce offspring with a wider range of genetic variation.

What are F3 hybrid cannabis seeds?

F3 hybrid cannabis seeds refer to the third filial generation of a crossbreed of two different parent plants. In cannabis breeding, the term “F3” is used to indicate the level of genetic stability and uniformity in the offspring. The F3 generation is the result of crossing two F2 plants, and the F3 seeds produce plants that are considered to be relatively consistent in terms of their growth patterns, yields, and phenotype (appearance). These seeds are commonly used for commercial production and are known for their desirable traits such as high potency, yield, and aroma.

What are inbred line cannabis seeds (IBL)?

Inbred line (IBL) cannabis seeds are produced through a process of inbreeding, which is the repeated crossing of closely related plants over several generations. The goal of inbreeding is to stabilize the genetics of a specific line of plants, resulting in offspring that are highly uniform in terms of traits such as growth pattern, flower structure, aroma, taste, and potency.

IBL seeds are produced from plants that have been inbred for many generations, resulting in a line of plants with consistent and uniform genetics. These seeds are often used by breeders to produce high-quality, stable plants with specific desired traits.

It’s important to note that inbreeding can also result in the expression of any negative traits that may be present in the original parent plants. This is why it is important for breeders to carefully select parent plants with desirable traits and to monitor the offspring for any undesirable traits before producing IBL seeds.

In conclusion, Inbred line (IBL) cannabis seeds are produced through a process of inbreeding to stabilize the genetics of a specific line of plants. These seeds result in offspring that are highly uniform in terms of desirable traits and are often used by breeders to produce high-quality, stable plants.

What are poly-hybrid cannabis seeds?

Poly-hybrid cannabis seeds are produced from the cross-pollination of multiple parent plants that come from different genetic lines. These seeds contain a mixture of genetics from multiple parent plants, resulting in offspring with a diverse range of traits such as growth pattern, flower structure, aroma, taste, and potency.

Poly-hybrid seeds are often used by breeders to produce plants with a range of desirable traits. By combining the genetics of multiple parent plants, breeders can produce offspring with a wide range of potential characteristics.

It’s important to note that the offspring from poly-hybrid seeds can show a great deal of variation, both in terms of desirable and undesirable traits. This can make it more difficult to predict the exact characteristics of the offspring compared to F1 or IBL seeds.

In conclusion, poly-hybrid cannabis seeds are produced from the cross-pollination of multiple parent plants with different genetic lines, resulting in offspring with a diverse range of traits. These seeds can produce plants with a range of desirable traits, but can also result in a great deal of variation, making it more difficult to predict the exact characteristics of the offspring.cannabis seeds

Final thoughts

In conclusion, understanding the different types of cannabis seeds and their genetics is important for breeders, cultivators, and consumers. F1 hybrid seeds are produced from the cross-pollination of two distinct parent plants and contain a mix of the genetics from both parents. F2 seeds are produced from the cross-pollination of F1 plants and contain a more diverse range of genetics. Inbred line (IBL) seeds are produced through a process of inbreeding to stabilize the genetics of a specific line of plants. Poly-hybrid seeds are produced from the cross-pollination of multiple parent plants with different genetic lines, resulting in offspring with a diverse range of traits.

Each type of seed has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right type of seed for your needs will depend on your goals, resources, and experience. Whether you’re a breeder looking to produce high-quality plants, or a cultivator looking to grow your own cannabis, understanding the basics of cannabis genetics can help you achieve your goals and produce the best possible plants.