Have you smoked too much weed? It’s something we’ve all experienced. Every stoner has experienced the ‘insanely high’ experience due to smoking too much weed or eating too many edibles without realizing they take time to kick in. Next time you find yourself in a situation like this – which, let’s be honest, is likely to happen – don’t worry. Listed below are the top ways to get sober and come down from the weed high quickly.

After all, getting stoned is something we all enjoy; sometimes, we tend to go overboard. The marijuana industry in Thailand brings about a whole new world of strains and buds with incredibly high levels of THC in them, which is to be expected initially. Therefore, it’s better to prepare for the ‘in case I get too high’ scenario.

If you would like to read about why cannabis gets us high and the best ways to use it then check out our article.

The sobering strategies mentioned here are the best of stoner wisdom, science, and personal experience. The reactions will vary from person to person; if one method does not work for you, do try another. Rest assured, there is something for everyone who has gotten too stoned and needs to come down.

Things to remember when you consume cannabis

  1. Start with a low dose and wait for the effects to take place before consuming more.
  2. Be aware of the different types of cannabis and their effects.
  3. Avoid consuming cannabis and operating heavy machinery or driving.
  4. Be mindful of the legal status of cannabis in your area.
  5. Store cannabis products safely and out of reach of children and pets.
  6. Consume cannabis in a safe and comfortable environment.
  7. Be aware of any potential negative side effects and seek medical help if necessary.
  8. Avoid mixing cannabis with alcohol or other drugs.
  9. Always purchase cannabis from a reputable source.
  10. Remember that it can take several hours for the effects of cannabis to fully dissipate, so plan accordingly.

smoked too much weed

Symptoms of having smoked too much weed

The symptoms of being “too stoned” can vary depending on the individual and the amount of cannabis consumed. However, common symptoms include: feeling anxious or paranoid, experiencing confusion or disorientation, having difficulty concentrating or remembering things, feeling dizzy or lightheaded, and having dry mouth and eyes. In rare cases, individuals may also experience hallucinations or delusions. It’s generally considered to be advisable to wait for the effects to wear off, rather than try to “sober up” with any other drugs, or by drinking a lot of water, etc.

It’s also important to note that excessive or prolonged use of cannabis may lead to long-term negative effects on mental health, such as increased risk of depression and anxiety.

Here are 6 Ways to Come Down from a Strong Cannabis High:


One of the common side effects of consuming cannabis is the feeling of being too stoned or high. This can be a stressful experience for some individuals, and it can be challenging to come down from the high. However, there is a simple solution to alleviate some of the uncomfortable symptoms associated with being too stoned, and that is staying hydrated.

Water is the most effective drink to help combat the symptoms of being too high. When you consume cannabis, your mouth may become dry, which is also known as cottonmouth. Drinking water helps to combat the effects of cottonmouth, and it also helps to keep your body hydrated. Hydration is essential because when you are too stoned, your body temperature can increase, and drinking water helps to regulate it.

Another drink that can help if you are too stoned is coconut water. Coconut water is a natural electrolyte, and it contains potassium, sodium, and magnesium. These nutrients help to replenish your body and keep you hydrated. Additionally, coconut water can help to reduce nausea, which is a common symptom associated with being too stoned.

Sports drinks like Gatorade and Powerade can also be helpful. These drinks contain electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and magnesium, which help to replenish your body and keep you hydrated. However, it is important to note that sports drinks also contain a significant amount of sugar, so it is best to limit your intake.

Fruit juices like cranberry and grapefruit can also help if you are too stoned. These juices contain antioxidants that help to reduce inflammation and boost your immune system. Additionally, these juices can help to reduce nausea and keep you hydrated.

In conclusion, staying hydrated is an essential factor in combating the symptoms of being too stoned. Drinking water, coconut water, sports drinks, and fruit juices can help to alleviate uncomfortable symptoms. It is important to remember to stay hydrated and to listen to your body when consuming cannabis.

Get some fresh air

Getting fresh air is an excellent remedy for those who are feeling too stoned or high. Cannabis, like any other drug, affects the body and mind, and sometimes the effects can be overwhelming. Fortunately, getting outside for a bit of fresh air can provide a much-needed break and help you feel better.

One of the reasons fresh air is so helpful is that it can help alleviate some of the physical symptoms of being too stoned. Cannabis can sometimes cause a feeling of “fogginess” or mental fatigue, which can make it difficult to focus or think clearly. Fresh air can help alleviate this by providing oxygen to the brain and stimulating blood flow. This can help you feel more alert and focused, and reduce feelings of confusion or disorientation.

Fresh air can also be a great way to help reduce anxiety and stress. Cannabis can sometimes cause feelings of paranoia or anxiety, which can be unsettling. Stepping outside into the fresh air can help you feel more grounded and connected to the world around you. This can help reduce feelings of anxiety or stress and promote a sense of calmness.

In addition to these benefits, getting fresh air can also be a great way to change your environment and get a change of scenery. If you’re feeling too stoned or high, sometimes just stepping outside into a different space can be enough to help you feel more comfortable and relaxed. This can help break the cycle of negative thoughts or feelings that may be contributing to your discomfort.

Overall, getting fresh air is an excellent way to help alleviate the symptoms of being too stoned or high. It can help reduce physical discomfort, clear your mind, reduce anxiety and stress, and provide a change of scenery. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed or uncomfortable after using cannabis, take a few minutes to step outside and get some fresh air – it just might be the breath of fresh air you need.

Take a shower or bath

Taking a shower or bath can be a great way to help alleviate the effects of being too stoned.

One of the primary reasons that taking a shower or bath can help is that it can reduce physical symptoms of being too stoned. Cannabis can cause dry mouth, dry eyes, and a feeling of lethargy, which can be uncomfortable and disorienting. Taking a shower or bath can help reduce these symptoms by providing moisture to the skin and eyes, which can make you feel more comfortable and alert.

Another benefit of taking a shower or bath is that it can help reduce feelings of anxiety or paranoia. Cannabis can sometimes cause these feelings, which can be unsettling. Taking a shower or bath can be a great way to relax and reduce feelings of anxiety or stress. The warm water and steam can be soothing to the body and mind, and can help you feel more at ease.

In addition to these benefits, taking a shower or bath can also be a great way to change your environment and get a change of scenery. If you’re feeling too stoned or high, sometimes just stepping into a different space can be enough to help you feel more comfortable and relaxed. Taking a shower or bath can provide that change of scenery and help break the cycle of negative thoughts or feelings that may be contributing to your discomfort.

Finally, taking a shower or bath can be a great way to reset and refresh your mind and body. Cannabis can sometimes cause feelings of lethargy or mental fatigue, which can make it difficult to focus or think clearly. Taking a shower or bath can help alleviate these feelings by providing a boost of energy and helping to clear your mind. This can help you feel more alert and focused, and reduce feelings of confusion or disorientation.

Overall, taking a shower or bath is an excellent way to help alleviate the symptoms of being too stoned or high. It can help reduce physical discomfort, reduce anxiety and stress, provide a change of scenery, and refresh your mind and body. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed or uncomfortable after using cannabis, take a few minutes to take a shower or bath and wash your unwanted feelings away.


LuckyTree food helps to stoned

One of the most common symptoms of being too stoned is dry mouth, which can be uncomfortable and unpleasant. Eating foods that are high in water content, such as fruits and vegetables, can help alleviate this symptom. Examples of such foods include watermelon, cucumber, oranges, and grapefruit. These foods are not only high in water content but also contain important nutrients that can help your body recover from the effects of cannabis.

Another symptom that cannabis can cause is an increased appetite, known as the munchies. While it’s important to be mindful of what you’re eating, some foods can be particularly helpful in reducing symptoms of being too stoned. Foods that are high in protein and healthy fats can help slow down the absorption of THC, the active ingredient in cannabis, and reduce feelings of dizziness and disorientation. Examples of such foods include nuts, seeds, avocados, and eggs. These foods are also nutrient-dense, providing your body with the energy it needs to recover from the effects of cannabis.

In addition to water-rich and protein-rich foods, it’s also important to stay hydrated when you’re too stoned. Drinking plenty of water can help flush out toxins and reduce feelings of dizziness and nausea. Sipping on herbal tea or coconut water can also be beneficial, as these beverages are hydrating and can help soothe the stomach.

It’s worth noting that some foods can actually enhance the effects of cannabis. For example, mangoes are known to contain terpenes that can help increase the absorption of THC, leading to a more intense high. On the other hand, foods that are high in sugar or processed carbohydrates can cause blood sugar fluctuations, which can exacerbate feelings of anxiety or dizziness.

Overall, food can be an effective way to help alleviate the symptoms of being too stoned. Eating foods that are high in water content, protein, and healthy fats can help reduce feelings of dry mouth and dizziness, while staying hydrated with water or herbal tea can help flush out toxins and soothe the stomach. It’s important to be mindful of what you’re eating and avoid foods that may exacerbate symptoms of being too stoned.

Here are some links to external sources that may be helpful:

  1. “What to eat when you have the munchies” (Harvard Health): https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/what-to-eat-when-you-have-the-munchies-201609229465
  2. “Foods to help with the side effects of cannabis” (Leafly): https://www.leafly.com/news/strains-products/foods-to-help-with-the-side-effects-of-cannabis
  3. “10 foods that can help you sober up from a high” (Herb): https://herb.co/learn/foods-help-sober-up-from-high/


One of the primary benefits of sleep is that it can help reduce feelings of anxiety or paranoia. Cannabis can sometimes cause these feelings, which can be unsettling and uncomfortable. However, getting enough sleep can help regulate the body’s stress response and reduce feelings of anxiety or stress. This can help you feel more at ease and relaxed.

In addition to reducing anxiety, sleep can also help alleviate physical symptoms of being too stoned. Cannabis can cause dry mouth, dry eyes, and a feeling of lethargy, which can be uncomfortable and disorienting. Getting enough sleep can help the body recover from these symptoms by providing much-needed rest and relaxation.

Another benefit of sleep is that it can help improve cognitive function. Cannabis can sometimes cause feelings of mental fog or confusion, which can make it difficult to focus or think clearly. However, getting enough sleep can help improve cognitive function and restore mental clarity. This can help you feel more alert and focused, and reduce feelings of confusion or disorientation.

It’s worth noting that getting too much sleep can also have negative effects, such as grogginess and a feeling of lethargy. It’s important to strike a balance and aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night, depending on individual needs.

Overall, sleep is one of the most effective ways to fix being too stoned. It can help reduce feelings of anxiety, alleviate physical symptoms, improve cognitive function, and provide the body with the rest and relaxation it needs to recover. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or uncomfortable after using cannabis, taking a nap or getting a good night’s sleep may be just the relief you need.

Seek out distractions

When you’re feeling too stoned or high, seeking out distractions can be an effective way to alleviate the symptoms and help you feel better. Distractions can help shift your focus away from any negative or uncomfortable feelings and redirect your attention towards something more positive and engaging.

One of the primary benefits of seeking out distractions is that it can help reduce feelings of anxiety or paranoia. Cannabis can sometimes cause these feelings, which can be unsettling and uncomfortable. However, engaging in a distracting activity, such as watching a movie or playing a game, can help shift your focus away from any negative thoughts or feelings and help you relax.

Another benefit of seeking out distractions is that it can help improve mood and overall well-being. Cannabis can sometimes cause feelings of lethargy or disorientation, which can make it difficult to feel motivated or engaged. However, engaging in a stimulating activity, such as going for a walk or trying a new hobby, can help boost mood and provide a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

It’s also worth noting that seeking out distractions can be a way to connect with others and foster social connections. Cannabis can sometimes cause feelings of isolation or withdrawal, which can be counteracted by engaging in social activities with friends or loved ones.

However, it’s important to be mindful of the type of distractions you seek out. Some activities, such as driving or operating heavy machinery, should be avoided while under the influence of cannabis. It’s also important to avoid overstimulation or engaging in activities that may exacerbate feelings of anxiety or paranoia.

Overall, seeking out distractions can be an effective way to fix being too stoned. It can help reduce feelings of anxiety, improve mood and well-being, and provide a way to connect with others. By engaging in positive and stimulating activities, you can shift your focus away from any negative thoughts or feelings and help yourself feel better.


The ways listed above can help you come down from a weed high fast, but at the end of the day, it is just a matter of time and keeping your cool.

If none of the remedies works, you may want to seek medical attention, although that is known to happen only in rare cases. With weed no longer illegal in Thailand, medical authorities are more open to accepting and treating such patients.

Remember to smoke and enjoy weed responsibly.

Get effective, affordable marijuana addiction help in Thailand now:
